University Farm

The Practical scientific field of food and biological production
for coexistence and symbiosis with the natural environment, and the conservation

Founded in 1922 as an attached facility of the Faculty of Agriculture, Utsunomiya University, the University Farm has been supporting its research and education in the area of field science. The farm is in Moka city, encompassing 101 hectors of land, including 60 hectors of farmland comprised of paddy fields, fields for wheat, soybeans, and buckwheat, vegetable fields, orchards, greenhouses, and forage fields. There are four departments (crop, horticulture, livestock, and agricultural engineering) that work closely to provide education and research. As one of the leading research achievements, we developed the paddy rice cultivar ‘Yudai 21,’ which is the first variety of paddy rice released by the national universities and famous for its taste. All the freshmen of the School of Agriculture are required to take the agricultural training at the university farm. Some students continue using the farm for specialized agricultural training in the second year and research for academic degree, including Ph.D. In recent years, we strive to develop practices for the Good Agricultural Practice (GAP). The University Farm is certified as the educational site for collaborative use by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology and offers collaborative educational curriculums with other universities around the metropolitan areas. Further, we continue developing unique food products using home-grown resources such as ‘Yudai 21,’ and dairy products.

Paddy rice transplantation using a machinery
Paddy rice transplantation
using a machinery
Feeding a newborn calf
Feeding a newborn calf
Managing fruiting of grapes by Gibberellin Treatment
Managing fruiting of grapes
by Gibberellin Treatment
Making buckwheat noodles using the buckwheat flour harvested in the farm
Making buckwheat noodles
using the buckwheat flour
harvested in the farm
Practice connecting with a cow through physical contacts
Practice connecting with a cow
through physical contacts

Main Curriculums

  • Agricultural core training (Basic training for School of Agriculture)
  • Field Practice I, II (Advanced training for School of Agriculture)
  • Field Practice of Food, Environment, and Life (Basic training for non-agricultural students)