トップページ教員紹介青山 真人論文、他


Masato Aoyama, Takumi Motegi, Shoei Sugita. Effects of apomorphine administration on the behavior in goats. Animal Behaviour and Managements. 52: 180-186. 2016.

佐怒賀琴美・青山真人・杉田昭栄.トラック輸送の経験がヤギの輸送に対する反応に及ぼす影響. Animal Behaviour and Managements. 52:123-133. 2016.

Masato Aoyama, Yuta Natsume, Emiko Fukui, Masaaki Koganesawa, Shoei Sugita. The effects of predator stimuli on physiological and behavioral responses in goats. Animal Behaviour and Managements. 46:109-118. 2010.

Yuko Maejima, Masato Aoyama, Shigeo Ookawara, Atsushi Hirao, Shoei Sugita. Distribution of the androgen receptor in the diencephalon and the pituitary gland in goats: colocalization with corticotropin releasing hormone, arginine vasopressin and corticotrophs. The Veterinary Journal. 181:193-199. 2009.

Masato Aoyama, Yuko Maejima, Toshio Suzuki, Masayuki Iigo, Shoei Sugita. Androgen suppresses corticotropin-induced increase in plasma cortisol level but enhances the increase in plasma aldosterone level in goats. The Journal of Veterinary and Medical Science. 71:281-285. 2009.

Masato Aoyama, Akihito Negishi, Akiko Abe, Yuko Maejima, Shoei Sugita. Short-term transportation in a small vehicle affects the physiological state and subsequent water consumption in goats. Animal Science Journal. 79:526-533. 2008.

Masato Aoyama, Akihito Negishi, Akiko Abe, Rie Yokoyama, Toru Ichimaru, Shoei Sugita. Physiological and behavioral effects of intracerebroventricular injection of corticotropin releasing hormone in goats. The Veterinary Journal. 177:116-123. 2008.

Yuko Maejima, Masato Aoyama, Shoei Sugita. Expression of c-fos like immunoreactive cells in the adrenal gland following transportation in goats. Small Ruminant Research. 63:162-169. 2006.

Yuko Maejima, Masato Aoyama, Noriko Kobayashi, Shoei Sugita. Adrenocorticotropic hormone-induced secretion of cortisol in goats is inhibited by androgen. Animal Science Journal. 77:87-94. 2006.

Masato Aoyama, Yuko Maejima, Satoko Keyaki, Misako Muroi, Atsushi Tohei, Shoei Sugita. Effect of androgen on plasma levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol during transportation in goats. The Journal of Veterinary and Medical Science. 67:1109-1114. 2005.

Yuko Maejima, Masato Aoyama, Akiko Abe, Shoei Sugita. Induced expression of c-fos in the diencephalons and pituitary gland of goats following transportation. Journal of Animal Science. 83:1845-1853. 2005.

Masato Aoyama, Akihito Negishi, Akiko Abe, Yuko Maejima, Shoei Sugita. Sex differences in stress responses to transportation in goats: Effects of gonadal hormones. Animal Science Journal. 74:511-519. 2003.


Masato Aoyama, Noriko Yoshimura, Shoei Sugita, Ryo Kusunose. Effect of used bedding straw and drying it in sunshine on lying behavior in stable horses. Journal of Equine Science. 15:67-73. 2004.

青山 真人、駒崎 孝高、杉田 昭栄、楠瀬 良.社会行動にともなう身体的特徴からウマの情動を推察するためのアンケート調査.日本畜産学会報 74:241-250. 2003.

青山 真人、山崎 真、杉田 昭栄、楠瀬 良.ウマの情動をその表情から推察するアンケート調査.日本畜産学会報 72:J256-J265. 2001.


渡邊哲夫・野口宗彦・沼野井憲一・長谷山聡也・青山真人.ブタの尾かじり被害を軽減する飼養管理法の検討 ―鎖やロープの提供,食塩水給与,飼料の形状の効果―.日本養豚学会誌.日本養豚学会.52:123-134. 2015.


Bezawork A. Bogale, Masato Aoyama, Shoei Sugita. Discrimination of smiling human face images from neutral expression in the jungle crow, Corvus macrorhynchos Animal Behaviour and Management, 54: 75-83, 2018.

Yuko Maejima, Masato Aoyama, Kazuho Sakamoto, Teruo Jojima, Yoshimasa Aso, Katsuya Takasu, Seiichi Takenosihita, Kenju Shimomura. Impact of sex, fat distribution and initial body weight on oxytocin's body weight regulation. Scientific Reports. Open Access. 2017. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-09318-7.

高津戸 望・青山真人・杉田昭栄.発光ダイオードの照射がヒヨドリによる果実の摂食行動に及ぼす影響.Animal Behaviour and Management. 52:85-97. 2016.

Yuko Maejima, Rauza Sukma Rita, Putra Santoso, Masato Aoyama, Yuichi Hiraoka, Katsuhiko Nishimori, Darambazar Gantulga, Kenju Shimomura, Toshihiko Yada. Nasal oxytocin administration reduces food intake without affecting locomotor activity and glycemia with c-Fos induction in limited brain areas. Neuroendocrinology. 101:35-44. 2015.

竹田 努・青山真人・杉田昭栄.ハシブトガラスCorvus macrorhynchosの移動距離と家畜農場への飛来の季節変動.日本畜産学会報.86: 191-199. 2015

Muhammad Nazrul Islam, Masato Aoyama, Shoei Sugita. Seasonal cycle of leydig cells in the Japanese jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 1:65-73.2015.

徐 章拓・竹田 努・青山真人・杉田昭栄.ハシブトガラスとハシボソガラスの腺胃および筋胃の比較形態.日本鳥学会誌.63:289-296. 2014.

Bezawork Afwork Bogale, Masato Aoyama, Shoei Sugita. Spontaneous discrimination of food quantities in the jungle crow, Corvus macrorhynchos. Animal Behaviour. 94:73-78. 2014

Kober AKM. Humayun, Masato Aoyama, Shoei Sugita. Morphological and Histological Studies on the Adrenal Gland of the Chicken (Gallus domesticus). Journal of Poultry Science. 49:39-45. 2012.

塚原直樹・村田ひと美・小池雄一郎・青山真人・杉田昭栄.ハシブトカラスにおける各種光波長に対する学習成立速度の検討.Animal Behaviour and Management. 48:1-7. 2012.

Kober AKM Humayun, Masato Aoyama, Naoki Tsukahara, Shoei Sugita. The effects of acute transportation stress on the adrenal gland of the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus). Animal Behaviour and Management. 47:97-103. 2011.

Afework Bezawork Bogale, Masato Aoyama, Shoei Sugita. Categorical learning between 'male' and 'female' photographic human faces in jungle crows (Corvus macrorhynchos). Behavioural Processes. 86:109-118. 2011.

Sayuki Kitagawa, Naoshige Abe, Madoka Sutoh, Etsuko Kasuya, Shoei Sugita, Masato Aoyama, Ken-ichi Yayou. Effect of intracerebroventricular injections of prolactin-releasing peptide on prolactin release and stress-related responses in steers. Animal Science Journal. 82: 314-319. 2011.

Mohammad Lutfur Rahman, Masato Aoyama, Shoei Sugita. Regional specialization of the Ganglion cell density in the retina of the Ostrich (Struthio camelus). Animal Science Journal. 81:108-115. 2010.

Muhammad Nazrul Islam, Xiao Bo Zhu, Masato Aoyama, Shoei Sugita. Seasonal morphological changes in the ovary of the Jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). Anatomical Science International. 85:224-234. 2010.

Kober AKM Humayun, Masato Aoyama, Shoei Sugita. Immunohistochemical localization of catecholamine biosynthetic enzymes in the adrenal gland of the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus). Poultry Science. 89:1709-1715. 2010.

Muhammad Nazrul Islam, Xiao Bo Zhu, Masato Aoyama, Shoei Sugita. Histological and morphological analyses of seasonal testicular variations in the Jungle Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). Anatomical Science International. 85:121-129. 2010.


青山真人(分担翻訳).第6章 恐怖とそれ以外のネガティブな情動.「動物福祉の科学 理念・評価・実践」(佐藤 衆介・加隈 良枝 監訳).p.112-137.緑書房.原著:"Fear and other negative emotions"(Bryan JonesとAlain Boissy著)In: Animal Welfare 2nd Edition (Michael C. Appleby 他 編著).2017.

青山真人(分担執筆).第2章-1. 環境と動物.「動物の飼育管理」(鎌田 壽彦 他 編)p.11-25.文永堂.2017.

青山真人(分担執筆).「行動生物学辞典」(上田恵介 他 編).東京化学同人. 動物行動学に関する30弱の用語解説を担当.2014.

青山真人(分担執筆).6.2家畜管理と環境、6.3家畜管理工学. 「最新畜産ハンドブック」(扇元敬司 他 編). pp 318-328.講談社.2014.

青山 真人(分担翻訳). 第6章 恐怖と苦悩. 「動物への配慮の科学 -アニマルウエルフェアをめざして-」(佐藤 衆介、森 裕司 監修)P.89-101. チクサン出版社. 原著:Bryan Jones著. Fear and Distress. 「Animal Welfare」(Michael Appleby、Barry Hughes編). 2009.



青山真人・沼野井憲一・野口宗彦・宗像 巧・渡邊哲夫.塩化ナトリウム給与によるブタのストレス由来行動「尾かじり」の予防 ―最適な給与法確定と生理的メカニズムの解明―.公益財団法人ソルト・サイエンス研究財団 平成23年度助成研究報告書 I理工学 農学・生物学編. ソルト・サイエンス研究財団. pp.153-162. 2013.

青山真人・渡邊哲夫・野口宗彦.塩の給与による豚の問題行動、「尾かじり」被害の防止.養豚の友.日本畜産振興会. 2013年7月号:26-30.2013.

渡邊 哲夫・青山真人.豚のストレス低減飼養管理技術の検討 -尾かじり被害を減らす方法-.養豚の友.日本畜産振興会. 2011年4月号:52-57.2011.

青山真人・沼野井憲一・塚原 均・渡邊哲夫. ミネラル給与によるブタの問題行動、特に尾かじりの防止とその生理的メカニズムに関する研究、公益財団法人ソルト・サイエンス研究財団 平成20年度助成研究報告書 I理工学 農学・生物学編. ソルト・サイエンス研究財団. pp. 227-235. 2009.
