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1. Nogimura, D., Mizushige, T., Taga, Y., Nagai, A., Shoji, S., Azuma, N. , Kusubata, M., Adachi, SI., Yoshizawa, F., Kabuyama, Y.
 Prolyl-hydroxyproline, a collagen-derived dipeptide, enhances hippocampal cell proliferation, which leads to antidepressant-like effects in mice. FASEB Journal, 34(4), 5715-5723, 2020.

2.Kusumah D, Wakui M, Murakami M, Xie X, Kabuyama Y, Maeda I.
 Linoleic acid, α-linolenic acid, and monolinolenins as antibacterial substances in the heat-processed soybean fermented with Rhizopus oligosporus. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 84(6), 1285-1290, 2020.

3. Koike S, Kabuyama Y, Obeng KA, Sugahara K, Sato Y, Yoshizawa F.
 An Increase in Liver Polyamine Concentration Contributes to the Tryptophan-Induced Acute Stimulation of Rat Hepatic Protein Synthesis. Nutrients, 12(9), 2665, 2020.

4. Mizushige, T., Uchida, T., Ohinata, K.
 Dipeptide tyrosyl-leucine exhibits antidepressant-like activity in mice. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 2257, 2020.

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 ミースフェルド生化学 東京化学同人 水島昇監訳 2020.

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 大豆イソフラボンの雌特異的食欲抑制作用 日本ポリフェノール学会誌 9,29-34,2020 (総説)