動物育種繁殖学研究室 >>近年の業績



  • 2024年
    * 体外における哺乳動物胚を選抜する方法. 特願2024-145542
  • 2022年
    * 体外における哺乳動物胚を選抜する方法. 特開2023-177229
  • 2020年
    * 体外における哺乳動物胚を選抜する方法. 特許第7550434号


  • 2024年
    * Nakazato M, Matsuzaki M, Okai D, Takeuchi E, Seki M, Takeuchi M, Fukui E, Matsumoto H. Arginine with leucine drives reactive oxygen species-mediated integrin α5β1 expression and promotes implantation in mouse blastocysts. PNAS Nexus. 3: pgae114, 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae114.
  • 2023年
    * Seki M, Takeuchi E, Fukui E, Matsumoto H. Upregulation of iNOS and phosphorylated eNOS in the implantation-induced blastocysts of mice. Reproductive Medicine and Biology. 22: e12545, 2023. DOI: 10.1002/rmb2.12545.
  • 2022年
    * Sato Y, Kawashima K, Fukui E, Matsumoto H, Yoshizawa F, Sato Y. Functional analysis reveals that Tinagl1 is required for normal muscle development in mice through the activation of ERK signaling. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 1869: 119294, 2022.
  • 2021年
    * Watanabe S, Miura M, Morita H, Nishi M, Yokota S, Hattori S, Matsumoto H, Fukui E, Kusakabe KT, Ochi M, Nakagata N, Kiso Y, Kai C, Yoshizawa M. Successful blastocyst production by intracytoplasmic injection of sperm after in vitro maturation of follicular oocytes obtained from immature female squirrel monkeys (Saimiri boliviensis). J Reprod Dev. 67: 265-272, 2021.
  • 2020年
    * Akaiwa M, Fukui E, Matsumoto H. Tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen‐like 1 deficiency alleviates age‐dependent depressed ovulation associated with ovarian collagen deposition in mice. Reprod Med Biol. 19: 50-57, 2020.
  • 2019年
    * Zhang C, Suzuki N, Matsumoto H, Miyamura M, Tsuchiya H, Hamano S, Makino H, Seizo , Hiroshi Makino, Ochi M, Yoshizawa M, Fukui E. BRCA1 Expression on Bovine Pre-implantation Embryos Produced by In Vitro Fertilization. J Mamm Ova Res. 36: 61-67, 2019.
  • 2018年
    * Fukui E, Zhang C, Suzuki N, Matsumoto H, Kawanobe A, Sakurai Y, Ooshima T, Muroi S, Kuwahata A, Ochi M, Yoshizawa M. Analysis of a single nucleotide polymorphism in the BRCA1 gene in Holstein cattle and its mRNA expression in the gonads. J Comp Clinic Med. 25: 1-8, 2018.
  • 2017年
    * Matsumoto H. Molecular and cellular events during blastocyst implantation in the receptive uterus: clues from mouse models. J Reprod Dev. 63: 445-454, 2017.
    * Takeuchi M, Seki M, Furukawa E, Takahashi A, Saito K, Kobayashi M, Ezoe K, Fukui E, Yoshizawa M, Matsumoto H. Improvement of implantation potential in mouse blastocysts derived from in vitro fertilization by combined treatment with prolactin, epidermal growth factor, and 4-hydroxyestradiol. Mol Hum Reprod. 23: 557-570, 2017.
  • 2016年
    * Takahashi A, Rahim A, Takeuchi M, Fukui E, Yoshizawa M, Mukai K, Suematsu M, Hasuwa H, Okabe M, Matsumoto H. Impaired female fertility in tubulointerstitial antigen-like 1-deficient mice. J Reprod Dev. 62: 43-49, 2016.
    * Matsumoto H, Fukui E, Yoshizawa M. Molecular and cellular events involved in the completion of blastocyst implantation. Reprod Med Biol. 15: 53-58, 2016.
    * Watanabe H, Matsumoto T, Nishi M, Kusakabe KT, Kuraishi T, Hattori S, Matsumoto H, Fukui E, Kuwahata A, Ochi M, Kiso Y, Kai C, Yoshizawa M. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection into oocytes matured in vitro and early embryonic development in the owl monkey (Aotus lemurinus). Reprod Med Biol. 15: 183-186, 2016.
  • 2015年
    * Usui R, Okada Y, Fukui E, Hasegawa A. A canine case of otitis media examined and cured using a video otoscope. J Vet Med Sci. 77: 237-239, 2015.
    * Nakazato C, Yoshizawa M, Isobe K, Kusakabe KT, Kuraishi T, Hattori S, Matsumoto H, Fukui E, Kuwahata A, Ochi M, Kiso Y, Kai C. Morphological characterization of spermatozoa of the night monkey. J Mamm Ova Res. 32: 37-40, 2015.
    * 福井えみ子, 湯澤知子, 松本浩道, 川野辺章夫, 櫻井由美, 大島藤太, 北條享, 新楽和孝, 桑波田暁子, 越知正憲, 吉澤緑. 遺伝子型をデザインした黒毛和種の効率的作出の試み. 日本畜産学会報. 86: 375-378, 2015.
    * Matsumoto T, Isobe K, Kusakabe KT, Kuraishi T, Hattori S, Nakazato C, Matsumoto H, Fukui E, Kuwahata A, Ochi M, Kiso Y, Kai C, Yoshizawa M. Morphological characterization and in vitro maturation of follicular oocytes from the owl monkey (Aotus lemurinus). J Mamm Ova Res. 32: 103-105, 2015.
    * Matsumoto H, Fukui E, Yoshizawa M. Angiogenesis and hormonal regulation on uterine receptivity for blastocyst implantation. J Mamm Ova Res. 32: 79-85, 2015.
  • 2014年
    * Saito K, Furukawa E, Kobayashi M, Fukui E, Yoshizawa M, Matsumoto H. Degradation of estrogen receptor α in activated blastocysts is associated with implantation in the delayed-implantation mouse model. Mol Hum Reprod. 20: 384-391, 2014.
    * Sakurai M, Sato Y, Mukai K, Suematsu M, Fukui E, Yoshizawa M, Tanemura K, Hoshino Y, Matsumoto H, Sato E. Distribution of tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like 1 and structural matrix proteins in mouse embryos during preimplantation development in vivo and in vitro. Zygote. 22: 259-265, 2014.
  • 2013年
    * 福井えみ子, 名取美貴, 佐藤衆介, 小金澤正昭, 松本浩道, 吉澤緑. 川渡フィールドセンターのシカにおけるミトコンドリアDNA変異. 日本鹿研究. 4: 10-14, 2013.
    * 阿久津麗, 福井えみ子, 松本浩道, 吉澤緑. 黒毛和種およびニホンジカのBreast cancer 1遺伝子における比較解析. 日本比較臨床医学会誌. 21: 15-21, 2013.
    * 小金澤正昭, 田村宜格, 奥田圭, 福井えみ子. 栃木県奥日光および足尾地域のニホンジカにおける放射性セシウムの体内蓄積, 2012年. 55: 99-104, 2013.
  • 2012年
    * Matsumoto H, Fukui E, Yoshizawa M, Sato E, Daikoku T. Differential expression of motin family in the peri-implantation mouse uterus and their hormonal regulation. J Reprod Dev. 58: 649-653, 2012.
    * Matsumoto H, Ezoe K, Mitsui A, Fukui E, Ochi M, Yoshizawa M. Extended uterine receptivity for blastocyst implantation and full-term development in mice with vitrified-warmed ovarian tissue autotransplantation. Reprod Med Biol. 11: 123-128, 2012.
    * 福井えみ子, 丹治藤治, 小金澤正昭, 吉澤緑, 松本浩道. 分枝のない角を有するニホンジカのミトコンドリアDNA変異. 日本鹿研究. 3: 1-51, 2012.
  • 2011年
    * 福井えみ子, 星一美, 川野辺章夫, 新楽和孝, 稲葉浩子, 長尾慶和, 松本浩道, 吉澤緑. 栃木県で飼養されているホルスタイン種および黒毛和種雌ウシにおけるFEZL遺伝子の多型解析. 関東畜産学会報. 62: 7-11, 2011.
    * Yuzawa T, Fukui E, Matsumoto H, Kawada T, Kawanobe A, Niira K, Ochi M, Yoshizawa M. Tumor protein p53 gene polymorphism and developmental competence of embryos derived from in vitro fertilization in old-aged and long-term infertile Japanese Black cows. J Mamm Ova Res. 28: 75-78, 2011.
    * Matsumoto H, Ezoe K, Mitsui A, Fukui E, Ochi M, Yoshizawa M. Vitrified-warmed ovarian tissue autotransplantation into ovariectomized mice restores sufficient ovarian function to support full-term pregnancy. Reprod Med Biol. 10: 185-191, 2011.
  • 2010年
    * Takahashi K, Matsui H, Takahashi I, Matsumoto H, Fukui E, Motoyama M, Yoshizawa M. Effect of in-vitro aging of mouse oocytes on metaphase II spindle morphology, in vitro fertilization and subsequent embryonic development. J Mamm Ova Res. 27: 42-50, 2010.
    * Yoshizawa M, Ulloa Ulloa CM, Hufana-Duran D, Ataba E, Duran PG, Cruz LC,Kanai Y, Takahashi Y. Incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in early-stageriver buffalo embryos derived from in vtro fertilization. J Mamm Ova Res. 27: 157-160, 2010.
    * Tajiri Y, Igarashi T, Li D, Mukai K, Suematsu M, Fukui E, Yoshizawa M, Matsumoto H. Tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like 1 is expressed in the uterus and binds with integrins in decidualized endometrium during postimplantation in mice. Biol Reprod. 86: 263-270, 2010.
  • 2009年
    * Matsumoto H, Fukui E, Yoshizawa M. Differential interactions between embryo and uterus during implantation in laboratory animals. J Mamm Ova Res. 26: 111-115, 2009.
    * Igarashi T, Tajiri Y, Sakurai M, Sato E, Li D, Mukai K, Suematsu M, Fukui E, Yoshizawa M, Matsumoto H. Tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like 1 is expressed in extraembryonic tissues and interacts with laminin 1 in the reichert membrane at postimplantation in the mouse. Biol Reprod. 81: 948?955, 2009.
    * �巻 千秋, 三井 秋徳, 松本 浩道, 福井 えみ子, 吉澤 緑. マウス円形精子細胞卵子内注入法(Round spermatid injection; ROSI)における卵子活性化処理と胚の細胞遺伝学的正常性の検討. 日本哺乳動物卵子学会誌. 26: 86-93, 2009.
    * Sano C, Matsumoto A, Sato E, Fukui E, Yoshizawa M, Matsumoto H. Establishment of rat embryonic stem-like cells from the morula using a combination of feeder layers. Zygote. 17: 229-237, 2009.
    * Rezaeian AH, Nishibori M, Hiraiwa N, Yoshizawa M, Yasue H. Expression profile and localization of mouse calcitonin (CT) sense/antisense transcripts in pre- and postnatal tissue development. J Vet Med Sci. 71: 561-568, 2009.
    * Rezaeian AH, Isokane T, Nishibori M, Chiba M, Hiraiwa N, Yoshizawa M, Yasue H. alphaCGRP and betaCGRP transcript amount in mouse tissues of various developmental stages and their tissue expression sites. Brain Dev. 31: 682-693, 2009.
    * Mitsui A, Yoshizawa M, Fukui E, Matsumoto H. Improvement of embryonic development and production of offspring by transferring meiosis-II chromosomes of senescent mouse oocytes into cytoplasts of young mouse oocytes. J Assist Reprod Genet. 26: 35?39, 2009.
    * Miyake Y, Sakurai M, Tanaka S, Tunjung WA, Yokoo M, Matsumoto H, Aso H, Yamaguchi T, Sato E. Expression of hyaluronan synthase 1 and distribution of hyaluronan during follicular atresia in pig ovaries. Biol Reprod. 80: 249-257, 2009.
    * 紅 海, 福井 えみ子, 長谷川 晃久, 松本 浩道, 向山 明孝, 吉澤 緑. モンゴルウマにおける成長ホルモン遺伝子の塩基配列および多型解析. 日本畜産学会報. 80: 1-6, 2009.
  • 2008年
    * Ulloa Ulloa C M, Yoshizawa M, Mitsui A, Yamashita A, Hama S, Mitsui A, Hashi C, Abe H, Hoshi H, Fukui E, Matsumoto H. Blastocyst production from in vitro-produced Day-2 bovine embryos classified by cleavage stage, and cytogenetical evaluation of the resultant Day-8 blastocysts. J Reprod Dev. 54: 465-472, 2008.
    * Rezaeian AH, Katafuchi T, Yoshizawa M, Hiraiwa N, Saito T, Nishibori M, Hamano K, Minamino N, Yasue H. Genomic organization, expression and evolution of porcine CRSP1, 2, and 3. Cytogenet Genome Res. 121: 41-49, 2008.
    * Ulloa Ullo CM, Yoshizawa M, Komoriya E, Mitsui A, Nagai T, Kikuchi K. The blastocyst production rate and incidence of chromosomal abnormalities by developmental stage in in vitro produced porcine embryos. J Reprod Dev. 54: 22-29, 2008.
    * Fukui E, Sugita S, Yoshizawa M. Phylogenetic implications of Jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) and Carrion crow (Corvus corone) based on base sequence of mitochondrial DNA. Biosphere Conservation. 9: 41-45, 2008.
    * 川田智弘, 福井えみ子, 吉澤緑. テクスチャー解析による超音波診断画像評価に基づいた肉牛生体の脂肪交雑基準値の客観的推定について. 日本畜産学会報. 79: 173-183, 2008.
    * Fukui E, Sugita S, Yoshizawa M. Molecular sexing of Jungle crow and Carrion crow using a feather. Anim Sci J. 79: 158-162, 2008.
    * 福井えみ子, 吉澤緑. 細胞・分子遺伝学的知見からのニホンジカ. 動物遺伝育種研究. 36, 117-121, 2008.
