Research of the Energy Metabolism

Sugahara, K.
Net efficiency of energy gain in growing chicks fed arginine-deficient diet
Japanese Journal of Zootechnical Science, 52:903-905,1981.

Sugahara, K., Kubo, T. and Tasaki, I.
Energy utilization by chicks fed amino acid diets containing graded levels of arginine
Japanese Poultry Science,21:75-81,1984.

Sugahara, K., Kubo, T. and Tasaki, I.
Involvement of feed intake in the decreased energy retention in chicks fed an arginine-deficient diet
Japanese Poultry Science, 22:45-54,1985.

Sugahara, K., Kubo, T. and Tasaki, I.
Does dietary arginine deficiency affect the basal metabolic rate and heat increment?
Japanese Poutlry Science, 25:400-403,1988.

Sugahara, K. and Kubo, T.
Hourly changes in respiratory quotient and heat production after cessation of feeding in cockerels
Japanese Poultry Science.,28:251-255,1991.

Sugahara, K. and Kubo, T.
Effects of dietary tryptophan level and food intake on energy utilization by male growing chicks
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 5:647-651,1992.

Sugahara, K. and Kubo, T.
Involvement of food intake in the decreased energy retention associated with single deficiencies of lysine and sulphur-containing amino acids in growing chicks
British Poultry Science.,33: 805-814,1992.

Kubo, T. and Sugahara, K.
Effect of dietary threonine level and food intake on energy utilization by male growing chicks
Animal Science and Technology, 66:233-238,1995.

Sugahara, K and Kubo, T.
Effect of treadmill training on nitrogen balance in cockerels fed on a low protein diet
Japanese Poultry Science, 32:194-198,1995.

Sugahara,K. and Kubo,T.
Effect of dietary isoleucine level and food intake on energy utilization by growing male chicks
Japanese Poultry Science,33:33-39,1996.

Kunio Sugahara
Energy utilization of growing chicks in various nutritional conditions
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 16(6): 903-909,2003

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